Marvellous for Maritime and Seaside Events
Perfect for Puppetry Festivals
About the Walkabout
Captain Bullock rides Polly, his temperamental giant parrot puppet liable to cause mayhem anywhere within a 2 metre radius, on a quest for treasure, birdseed and romance.
Meranda, the gorgeous Mermaid, is a temptress in all her fishy glory. She rides a beautiful seahorse puppet drawn chariot, spreading beauty tips and amorous looks on her continued quest to find and catch a handsome and largely unsuspecting sailor in her large shrimping net. Will the Captain fall for her ravishing beauty and scaly seductiveness?
What to expect
This act features larger than life, visually stunning costumes and infectiously funny characters. The Captain (walking on stilts whilst riding the parrot puppet) and the Mermaid (riding on the chariot pulled by the seahorse puppets) move through the crowds stopping for selfies and introducing their fantastical creatures. Banter abounds as the notorious Polly wends her raucous way through the audience, creating laughter and havoc in her friendly parroty fashion. The chariot plays music and releases clouds of bubbles as they interact with the crowd in a playful and entertaining manner.

How to Book
Invite fishy foolishness to your festival, event or party! The perfect duo for seafood-, beach life- and maritime-themed events. We hope to meet you soon, and if you are still uncertain then this is undoubtedly the clincher: there will be BUBBLES!

I’ve been fortunate to work with Bell & Bullock a few times over the years. Most recently, their wonderfully engaging “Pirates, Parrots, Sirens and Seahorses” act at our outdoor “Pirates of Crimdon Dene” event brought a lovely atmosphere with lots of comedy moments. I’d highly recommend this professional and talented duo – you won’t be disappointed
Thank you so much for being a part of beam! Everyone had so much fun; you really brought the city centre alight. You struck the right balance with the public; they loved your Mermaid and Parrot and were fascinated by your Flies! Lincoln had a great couple of days of street theatre and music and you played a significant part in the festival’s success!
Bell and Bullock are a fantastical duo that keeps audiences of all ages amused, inspired and captivated. The creative concepts, costumes, personalities and performances are unique and inventive. They are also both professional and dependable.